Las Vegas is More Fun When You're Sober
Oct 06, 2021
I’ve been to Vegas seven times.
For five of them, I went as a drinking party girl.
For one, I was doing a sober, curious experiment.
On my most recent trip, I arrived in Vegas as a happy, healthy, comfortable, non drinker.
There is such a thing, and I am proof of it.
I have enjoyed my alcohol-free lifestyle so much that I made it my career.
I have evolved into a Certified Professional Recovery and Life Coach, a Business Owner, Sober Influencer, Alcohol Free Advocate, Coach Recruiter, and Corporate Wellness Consultant with almost 4 years of sobriety under my belt.
I am here to tell you that Vegas is better sober.
I know this is hard to believe.
I've done Vegas like a train wreck.
I always felt like I should have been having more fun than I actually was.
I felt like I should be somewhere else, I was never content in the moment I was in.
I had FOMO.
I wanted to be everywhere at once.
I was often irritated that the drinks didn't come fast enough.
I'd go days and nights without sleep.
I felt like garbage but just kept going, going, going.
I was faking fun and excitement when I had a headache and felt nauseous most of the time.
I was always in a rush, in a hurry, trying to fit it all in.
I was running along the edges, never taking a deep dive into the experience, always a little disconnected from what I was doing and from myself.
It's not like that anymore.
I am now fully present, awake, alive, and enthusiastic.
I am in a better mood when not in a constant state of panic and physical illness.
There is so much more to do, see, and experience, when getting alcohol isn't the primary focus.
I didn't place one bet or have one sip of alcohol on this trip.
Instead, I had delicious, healthy, fancy, spicy drinks all over Sin City.
I ate the best food, and it all tastes better when you are completely sober!
I enjoyed exotic, delicious tastes and flavors in the best atmosphere.
I danced my tail off, and I hit all the best clubs and lounges.
I had 2 pool days and a spa day.
The. Best.
I wasn’t detoxing from the night, week, month, or year of drinking.
I was instead enjoying the serenity on a date with myself.
Imagine how good it feels to be fully hydrated and bringing your healthiest self to the spa for reward and pleasure, instead of hangover detox?
I saw a live free concert in a small theater by KT Tundstall and Macklemore with an audience of recovered people.
(The nicest, most energetic crowd I have ever been in!)
You don’t need alcohol to enjoy music.
Anyone who’s seen Macklemore skipping around a stage with trombones playing in the background can see that.
I went to all the fancy bars and clubs and I drank
(see my blog What to do in Vegas When You're Sober)
I walked through the Bellagio conservatory, and watched the Bellagio Fountains in front of the Eiffel Tower.
I stayed up late.
I woke up early.
I wore a lot of makeup.
I dressed up in shiny clothes.
I felt happy, peppy, party energy!
Here’s what I didn’t do:
I never once abandoned myself or acted out of character.
I felt clean and pretty and healthy and whole.
I didn't lose self esteem.
I didn't wake up with hangxiety or shame.
I didn't come home like a train wreck.
It was my best trip to Vegas yet.
To see what I did read my blog: What to do in Vegas When You're Sober