(Too Much Information Too Be Honest, TMI TBH)

Welcome! Whether youโ€™re taking your first steps toward sobriety, celebrating years of alcohol-free living, or simply seeking inspiration and support, you'll find genuine stories, practical advice, and compassionate support to help you on your journey.

When the Dive Bar No Longer Calls Your Name fun spring break vacation Apr 04, 2022

I had such a serendipitous experience on spring break. We stayed in Naples, FL, for the first half with family, and in Treasure Island, FL, just the four of us (meeting our Chicagoland neighbors for dinner one night) for the second half of our stay.


We had a hotel on the beach for the...

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I Can't Have Fun Without Drinking alcohol alcoholfree fun sobernotboring May 26, 2020

If you think you can’t have fun without drinking. 

You are right. 

I couldn’t either. 

That is because as much as I hated to admit it, I had become dependent on alcohol.

I needed alcohol for a good time. 

So much that I didn’t feel good without it. 

As a...

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I'm Afraid if I Quit Drinking I Won't Be Fun Anymore alcoholfree fun sober sober fun travel May 14, 2020

Almost everyone I know has the same fear when they quit drinking.

Fear of not being fun anymore. 

I had the same fear. 

My identity was wrapped up in being a party girl. A class clown. A drinker. 

I had never met anyone sober and I certainly would never want to hang out with anyone...

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