When the Dive Bar No Longer Calls Your Name

fun spring break vacation Apr 04, 2022

I had such a serendipitous experience on spring break. We stayed in Naples, FL, for the first half with family, and in Treasure Island, FL, just the four of us (meeting our Chicagoland neighbors for dinner one night) for the second half of our stay.


We had a hotel on the beach for the second half, and before we arrived, my husband changed it to a place we had stayed before. As we were crossing the magnificent bridge into St. Pete's, I was overcome with emotion. We would be staying at the very same place I had my first sober spring break over 4 years ago. I remembered it so clearly. I was about 30 days sober, very wobbly, and unsure how I would make it through.


I did not have the strength and confidence that I do today. I was a fragile baby bird. The first day was excruciating. I was jumping out of my skin. Looking back, I can’t believe I made it. I am so proud of myself. That was so freaking hard. You can read about it here: ...

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