Beyond the Bottle: Thoughtful Mother's Day Gift Ideas for Every Mom

Mother’s Day often conjures images of flowers, breakfast in bed, and heartwarming cards expressing love and appreciation. A trend that's gained momentum, diverging from the traditional gifts of chocolate and pampering treats, is a culture of "Mommy needs wine." 

Yes, you read that right. Wine has often been synonymous with relaxation and unwinding, especially for mothers balancing numerous responsibilities. However, there's a refreshing twist emerging. Instead of gifting mom another bottle of wine this Mother’s Day, consider why this might just be the perfect time to break tradition.

Wellness Over Wine: There's a growing sober movement happening with an emphasis on holistic wellness. Many moms are embracing self-care practices that extend beyond a glass of their favorite Pinot. From yoga sessions to meditation apps, the focus is shifting towards activities that nourish the mind, body, and soul.

Breaking Stereotypes: The "wine mom" stereotype, often depicted in memes...

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Drinking at You

I heard quitting drinking is a lot like thawing out.

Its wet and messy and there are a lot of tears. I agree with this statement.

I went through a big thaw myself when I got sober.

At first, it was so hard to not have that drink to deal with the things I had been drinking away. The things I had been drinking at.

I am talking about the injustices in my life. The pain, the trauma, the anger and sadness, that I have felt. 

I addressed these issues by poisoning myself. You might relate.

It was the only way I knew how. 

Drinking did not start out as the problem. Drinking began as the solution to the problem. 

As Russell Brand says, “Drugs and alcohol are not my problem. Reality is my problem. Drugs and alcohol are my solution.”

For me, the solution to a bad day = take 2 glasses of wine and call me in the morning.

The solution to being mad at my husband, = Wine! It takes the bitch right out of me!

Lost my keys? My job? My father? Drink. Drink. Drink.


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