(Too Much Information Too Be Honest, TMI TBH)

Welcome! Whether youโ€™re taking your first steps toward sobriety, celebrating years of alcohol-free living, or simply seeking inspiration and support, you'll find genuine stories, practical advice, and compassionate support to help you on your journey.

Social Media and Addiction addiction balance social media May 30, 2023

My Social Media Experiment was to stop using Instagram and Facebook for business for 7 weeks.

What happened was not what I expected. 

For the record, I think it's great to take break from things. All things. Change is necessary from all things to grow and evolve. If you unplug for anything...

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My Last Drink addiction alcohol free drinking sober experiement Jun 29, 2022

Last week, I had dinner with some of the sober babes that I met on a sober hiking retreat in Sedona, a month ago.  Most of us live in Chicagoland. From the larger group, four of us were available to get together. We picked the most central spot for dinner. Lucky for me, that landed...

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