Top 7 Things I Learned About Mocktails


I participated in Drink Less Fest, an event put on by The Roaring Social and Charlotte Beverage Distribution, both organizations founded by Casey Dolan. 


Drink Less Fest combined non-alcoholic beverage brands with folks in hospitality and sober and sober curious locals. The afternoon was a transformative experience of holistic wellness and workshops. There was NA cocktail making with Ritual Zero Proof spirits and Mocksie craft mocktails from Wilmington. Food and wine pairing by winemaker, Rachel Martin of Oceano Zero, a premium alcohol removed wine, and a tasting tour by Laura Silverman of Zero Proof Nation. Dr. Brooke Scheller gave a nutritional workshop, and as founder of Ditched the Drink, I gave a presentation on Recovery-Friendly Workplaces.


The day concluded with a thought-provoking panel discussion, facilitated by me, an award winning sober coach and founder of  "Ditched the Drink" accompanied by Dr. Brooke Scheller author of, "How to Eat to...

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Sobriety and Self-Discovery: How Coaching Can Transform Your Relationship with Alcohol

I want to be frank with you. There is no award to be won for being alcohol-free with the least amount of support possible. I know that's how we all try to do it. Me too. Like a middle schooler waiting for the bus in 30 degree weather with no jacket. We’re the cool kids. We’re good. We don’t need a coat. We’re strong, independent women. We don’t want any help. We got it. We GOT it okay?! Now leave us alone. 


Except, sister, you don’t really get it. You keep trying to get it. You start with the easiest possible way to do it. A way to attempt without fail. A way to try without overcommitting. You’re smart like that. I get it. So you try a short challenge. A free 5-day fix. And maybe you succeed, or maybe you say that was so dramatic. You forgot about the book club on Tuesday, so you’ll just drink on day 3 of the 5-day challenge. It was free. You tried. Who cares?


Success! 3 days alcohol-free. Then it’s back to the...

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My Experience with Sober Travel Retreats

I often get asked, “What is it like to go to a sober retreat?”

I have had many sober retreat experiences, and I’m happy to share my feedback. 

In this blog, I will be reviewing 3 specific retreats: Brave Recovery Coaching, Sober in the City - Zero Proof Experiences, and the SheRecovers Annual Conference. These are three very different experiences with different goals, taken at different points on my alcohol free journey. 

Spoiler alert, they were all fantastic. TLDR.  

My first ever sober retreat was a female hiking retreat in Sedona, AZ hosted by Brave Recovery Coaching. I was an acquaintance of the host, Carrie May, a Certified Recovery Coach and Nurse Practitioner. I had met two other attendees briefly at a previous local event. I didn’t really know anyone, and I really didn’t know what to expect. I was very nervous because I wasn’t friends with any of the attendees. I was basically going alone. I ended up flying and driving...

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Are Alcohol Free Drinks a Tool or a Trigger?

Alcohol-free drinks can be a helpful option for people that are sober or sober curious. However, the appropriateness of alcohol-free drinks depends on several factors:

  • What Stage of Sobriety?  In the early stages of sobriety, some individuals may find it best to avoid any beverages that mimic the taste or appearance of alcoholic drinks, including alcohol-free alternatives. This is because consuming such drinks might trigger cravings or lead to drinking alcohol for some people. Over time, as individuals become more confident in their sobriety, they may choose to incorporate alcohol-free options into their lifestyle. I personally, didn’t have any alcohol free alternatives my whole first year of sobriety. I was afraid they might trigger me into craving an alcoholic drink. As a drinker, wine was my drink of choice. I started to explore with alcohol free beer in my second year of sobriety and found it to be a great tool at that time. Both beer and alcohol free spirits ended...
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Do I Have an Alcohol Problem?

I wake up in a panic

No desire to start my day

Thinking of last night

Oh God, what did I say?


Do I have an alcohol problem?


I chug a glass of water

On the table beside my bed

I recognize hangover symptoms

Starting with

My pounding head.


Do I have an alcohol problem?


I head into the bathroom

My system is not right

At one glance in the mirror

I hate the ugly sight.


Do I have an alcohol problem?


I head downstairs for coffee.

Not sure I can stand the taste.

My mouth, an awful feeling,

As if I’ve eaten paste.


Do I have an alcohol problem?


I start to make kid lunches

Throwing stuff into bags,

Seeing the mess of the night before

Feeling like a nag.


Do I have an alcohol problem?


I rush the kids out the door,

Scared to death of what they think,

Quick try to cover up myself

By cleaning at the sink.


Do I have an alcohol problem?


It’s really hard to focus

Oh Lord, I hate my job,

I can’t look at...

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I'm 3 1/2 Years Sober and I Wanted a Drink On Vacation

On my vacation we did so much lazing around.

Just napping, sitting, lying, being. 

So much nothing. 


It was the perfect place to do it.

We were always poolside, with a view of the ocean waves.


Some days we were under the shade of a cabana. 

I would read and sleep and swim and read and sleep and swim. 

Eating tacos at regular intervals. 

Laughing with my kids. 

We were all so relaxed. 

It was a beautiful escape from the busy hustle of our regular lives. 


We had a beautiful soaking tub on our balcony. 

Every afternoon my oldest would go enjoy a bath in solitude. 

I would get up early each morning for coffee and reflection with the ocean alone. 

My youngest joined in on the games and my husband golfed a few times.

I did yoga and had a spa day.

We all had the right mix of togetherness and alone time too. 


We only left our resort one day. 

We were there for a week. 

We could have stayed...

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The Illusion of the Two Beer Buzz

This weekend we will be on a lake. 

Woo Hoo!

Welcome Summer!

I heard an interview by the band Old Dominion about their new song titled, 

“I Was On A Boat That Day”.

It’s a super fun song and I love Old Dominion’s music. 


They said they were drinking when they recorded it because they wanted it to sound free and loose, like the meaning of the song.


I totally get that.


I love that too. 


It gives me a jolt. 


I want that kind of two beer buzz they talk about in the country songs.


This could give me a strong craving because...


I want that all summer long, but let me tell you…

...alcohol didn’t do this for me.


Maybe for one second I felt the loose, free feeling...

...but it was always followed by heart palpitations, worry, and insecurity.


I wasn’t really loose.


I was acting loose and inhibited because I had something to blame it on = alcohol.



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Sitting on Sunday Morning

Sitting here on a Sunday morning, giving myself time and space to be.

To just sit, to rest, to check in, to create.


This weekend has been a lot of nothing, in the best way.

Reading, resting, carpooling my kids, and cheering them on at their games.


After being gone nearly a month, it feels right to just sit for a bit.


I am gaining energy to meal plan and prep for the first time in weeks.

Laundry is going.


My candles are lit.

I tidied the kitchen.


A frozen mango pineapple smoothie is thawing on the counter,

for me to enjoy when I finish my coffee.


I had a conversation with my husband this morning about our outdoor space.


We see things differently.

We have different ideas, goals, and priorities.


Landscaping or patio furniture?

I say both.

He does not.


I was able to speak my mind and not demand a decision. 

We came to some conclusions and some things are still left unknown.


I can let it simmer.

The answers will...

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How My Vanity Helped Me Sober Up, When I Didn't Want To

When I look back on pictures, I can see clearly how alcohol is poison. 

The bloat in my face is painful to see. 

The bloat was my body's way of trying to protect me from my drinking habits.

As a drinker, it was just another reason for me to hate my ugly self.

I was ignoring myself, in every way.

I did not pay attention. 

I avoided.

I escaped.

I numbed out everything that was happening to me, so I could just keep drinking. 

Alcohol was both the poison,

and the temporary cure, for my anxiety,

depression, grief, shame. 

 I started drinking in my early teens.

I never had a chance to fully develop without it.

I didn’t learn healthy coping skills.

I didn’t know how to regulate my emotions.

Alcohol was always there to soothe me.

 It wasn’t always a problem for me.

 I thought it was fun.

I thought it was what made me fun.

I thought other people liked the funny, fun, party girl, who I was, with a drink in my hand.

I thought...

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Spring Break Sober

Spring Break, Man.

On my 21st birthday (also my golden birthday), I got a tattoo and headed to Panama City Beach for a week in the sun with my friends. 

Finally legal to drink alcohol! 

I watched frat boys drink so much that they dug a hole in the sand to puke in and then cover it up and drink some more.

Even as a party girl myself, I felt sad watching this. 

I wondered what their mothers’ would think and it seemed dangerous. 

Spring Break has always been a thing for me. 

On my first sober Spring Break 3 years ago, my husband and I sat there at the pool listening to Jimmy Buffet and staring at each other. 

What in the hell were we going to do?

How was this going to be fun?

Who does this?

Who stays sober on Spring Break?


It seemed awkward, uncomfortable, and even painful at the time.

If that’s where you are at, this is for you!

Flash forward to today, 3 years sober, and many vacations in.

I just returned from a long weekend away and I am...

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