Sitting on Sunday Morning

Sitting here on a Sunday morning, giving myself time and space to be.

To just sit, to rest, to check in, to create.


This weekend has been a lot of nothing, in the best way.

Reading, resting, carpooling my kids, and cheering them on at their games.


After being gone nearly a month, it feels right to just sit for a bit.


I am gaining energy to meal plan and prep for the first time in weeks.

Laundry is going.


My candles are lit.

I tidied the kitchen.


A frozen mango pineapple smoothie is thawing on the counter,

for me to enjoy when I finish my coffee.


I had a conversation with my husband this morning about our outdoor space.


We see things differently.

We have different ideas, goals, and priorities.


Landscaping or patio furniture?

I say both.

He does not.


I was able to speak my mind and not demand a decision. 

We came to some conclusions and some things are still left unknown.


I can let it simmer.

The answers will...

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