Sitting on Sunday Morning

Sitting here on a Sunday morning, giving myself time and space to be.

To just sit, to rest, to check in, to create.


This weekend has been a lot of nothing, in the best way.

Reading, resting, carpooling my kids, and cheering them on at their games.


After being gone nearly a month, it feels right to just sit for a bit.


I am gaining energy to meal plan and prep for the first time in weeks.

Laundry is going.


My candles are lit.

I tidied the kitchen.


A frozen mango pineapple smoothie is thawing on the counter,

for me to enjoy when I finish my coffee.


I had a conversation with my husband this morning about our outdoor space.


We see things differently.

We have different ideas, goals, and priorities.


Landscaping or patio furniture?

I say both.

He does not.


I was able to speak my mind and not demand a decision. 

We came to some conclusions and some things are still left unknown.


I can let it simmer.

The answers will...

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How do you want to leave quarantine?

How do you want to come out of this quarantine? 

I think it is helpful to keep your end goal in mind. 

You are presented with an opportunity to learn about yourself. 

You can day drink, sleep in, get lazy at your job, neglect your parenting duties. 

You can use this time as an excuse to skip workouts and eat what you want. 

You can binge on Netflix. 

You can soothe the discomfort of sitting in silence with online shopping, alcohol, porn, or whatever vice takes you away from the moment. 

You can forego hygiene, beauty, and self care routines. 

You can stay up late. 

You can come out of quarantine more tired, sick, bloated, antsy, and wound up than before. 

That is your choice. 

Or you can use this time to take care of you. 

You can spend time with yourself getting to know yourself. 

You can find what is your energy calling for today, and then give yourself what you desire.

You can find new ways to move your body.


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COVID-19 and Alcohol

With the news of COVID-19 you might be tempted to stock up on alcohol along with toilet paper to survive the pandemic, potential lock down, and save your sanity. 

If you are a drinker, one positive thing you can do for your health and the health of those around you, is ditch the drink. 

Alcohol negatively affects your health.

To be your strongest and healthiest, being alcohol free, is the best line of defense. 

Alcohol and Overall Health

Alcohol affects your health in many ways. Most people are aware that excessive drinking can damage your liver and cardiovascular system, but did you know that it can also damage your digestive system? This leads to malnutrition and even increases your risk of cancer. Many people see these conditions as problems for the distant future. You may be less aware that alcohol also damages your immune system, increasing your risk of potentially fatal illnesses such as pneumonia, the flu or even the recent health scare, COVID-19. There are a...

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