Pick Me Girl Rejected

5 years ago, my company, Ditched the Drink, was brand new. As a new business owner, I took a gamble on myself and nominated myself for an award that my previous corporate job sponsored. I thought it would be a great way to bridge the gap between what I had done in my past career and what I was just starting. From selling HR solutions to becoming the founder of a company, I was really proud of my new endeavor, not to mention what I had overcome. I wanted everyone to know. 


The application process felt to me like a big dance audition in front of a group of intimating judges. I knew some of the  judges from having worked for a top sponsor of the awards. I was never really in with the who’s who, but as a salesperson, I was always there, working the room and doing my best. There was one board member that I got to know, love, and respect. I believe she was the only woman on the leadership team, so naturally I gravitated toward her.


Our relationship gave me...

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6 Common Myths About Coaching

I’ve been a coach for five years. I partner with a top rated credentialing authority to recruit, train, and mentor other coaches. With a degree in social work, I started as a skeptic when it came to the world of coaching. I didn’t know what I didn’t know. I didn’t think I needed a measly coaching certificate when I already had a four year degree in helping people. 

I started with a Udemy certificate in Law of Attraction Coaching. This is regularly criticized for not being ‘real training,” but it’s how I got my start. It was a ten-ish hour online training. At the time, I understood the coaching industry was unregulated, and yet, I wanted some certifying agency to give me a quick stamp of approval to call myself a coach. I wasn’t ready to invest more, and I didn’t know where to start. I think it cost me $30. It did not teach me the necessary protocols and high standards of coaching, but it did get me started in learning about...

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