How to Prepare for Dry July Right Now

dry july sober holidays sober summer Jun 25, 2024

How to Prepare for Dry July Right Now

You probably already know that taking a break from alcohol can offer numerous health benefits, from improved sleep and energy levels to better mental clarity and weight loss. Just like making any change, there is prep work involved before you get started. If you want to quit your job, you first update your resume, search for new opportunities, talk to a recruiter, ask for references and more. If you want to start a new nutrition plan, you download the menu and go to the grocery store. You prep your meals for the week. If you are starting a new fitness routine, you download an app or write out your exercises, you set your clothes out the night before a morning workout, you invest in new running shoes. 

You are not going to wake up on July 1 and successfully quit drinking without a little bit of prep work first. There is action you can take today to prepare for Dry July.

*If you want to start after the 4th of July holiday, that’s OK with me too. There is no need to have a false start and diminish your confidence before you get any momentum. 

Getting ready for an alcohol-free month is like traveling somewhere you’ve never been.

1. Get a Map and a Guide

There is plenty of prep work involved in going dry for a month. The first thing you need is a support plan. No one does this alone, not even you. I know you project manage your whole life and you’re a strong, independent woman, but still, you even need some support in accomplishing something you are not an expert at. So who is your expert? Who can be your guide? Find someone who has what you want and ask them to support you. If you don’t have anyone in real life, find someone from the internet. You can consider me, and just like if you were touring a museum and you wanted to learn everything you could, you would sign up for the guided tour. You might have the option for a live guide, or a prerecorded audio tour. At Ditched the Drink

this looks like 1x1 Becoming Coaching Support  or Jumpstart Digital Course. Both are great options and both include Insider Community Membership.

2. Start with the End in Mind

Before you begin, it’s important to know how you will measure success. To stay committed to the challenge, you have to know if you are achieving what you want. What are your goals? To be completely alcohol-free for X number of days? To improve your sleep,? To feel healthier? To challenge yourself to ordering healthy drinks instead or walking instead of sipping in the evenings? Write down your goals and how you will measure your progress. Hint: it helps to have my coaching support and community to stay accountable and check in.

3. Track Your Progress

Keep a journal or use an app to track your alcohol-free days. Note any positive changes you experience, such as improved mood, better sleep, or weight loss. Tracking your progress can provide motivation and remind you of the benefits of staying alcohol-free.

4. Inform Your Social Circle

Let your friends, family, and coworkers know about your plan. This will help them support you and reduce the likelihood of them offering you drinks. You might even find that some of them are interested in joining you for the challenge. When I quit drinking for the last time, I had a friend join me for the entire first year. This made all the difference! You might have someone in your life who is looking to take a break. If not, you can always buddy up with someone in my Insider Community

5. Remove Temptations

Go through your home and remove any alcoholic beverages. Out of sight, out of mind! Replace them with non-alcoholic alternatives that you enjoy. Stock up on sparkling water, herbal teas, or ingredients for mocktails. I turned my cocktail cart into a mocktail cart. Have fun stocking up on delicious drinks. There are so many alternatives. My favorite is Gruvi non-alcoholic beer and wine. Read this blog Are Alcohol-Free Drinks a Tool or Trigger?

6. Plan Alcohol-Free Activities

Look for activities and hobbies that don’t involve alcohol. Plan outings to places where drinking isn’t the main focus, such as hiking trails, museums, or coffee shops. This will help you stay busy and avoid situations where you might feel tempted to drink. Pull out your calendar and add in things you will look forward to without alcohol. I often tell my clients’ to look at Groupon, Living Social, or local Facebook groups for ideas and events in their area.

7. Prepare for Social Situations

Think ahead about how you’ll handle social events where alcohol is present. You might decide to be the designated driver, bring your own non-alcoholic drinks, or practice saying a polite but firm “No, thank you” when offered a drink. Having a plan can reduce anxiety and help you stick to your commitment. It is okay to skip some things too. Just because you don’t go this time doesn’t mean you will never go again. Prioritize being alcohol-free for the month instead of attending social gatherings or saying yes to everything that might be a trigger for you to want to drink.

8. Practice Self-Care

Use this month as an opportunity to focus on self-care. Engage in activities that promote relaxation and well-being, such as exercise, meditation, reading, or taking long baths. Taking care of your mental and physical health can reduce your desire to drink.

9. Celebrate Your Success

At the end of the month, take time to celebrate your accomplishment. Reflect on what you’ve learned and how you feel. You might decide to continue with reduced alcohol consumption or even extend your alcohol-free period. A certified coach can help with the next steps. 

10. Plan for the Future

Think about how you’ll reintroduce alcohol, if at all, after your month off. Use the insights gained during your alcohol-free month to make informed decisions about your drinking habits moving forward.


Preparing for an alcohol-free month involves getting support, setting clear goals, informing your social circle, removing temptations, and planning ahead. By taking these steps, you can set yourself up for a successful and rewarding break from alcohol, discovering new activities and habits that contribute to your overall well-being.

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