(Too Much Information Too Be Honest, TMI TBH)

Welcome! Whether youโ€™re taking your first steps toward sobriety, celebrating years of alcohol-free living, or simply seeking inspiration and support, you'll find genuine stories, practical advice, and compassionate support to help you on your journey.

Pushing Past Resistance and Limiting Beliefs 2 years sober fitness how to get sober perfectionism Apr 18, 2023

The spring sun is here! I want to go outside! I love to go outside. I am an outdoorsy person. I believe in the benefits of sunlight and movement to set my circadian rhythm, lift my mood, and give me a good dose of feel good chemicals. 


Yet, even so…somehow it’s been a...

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Country Drinking Songs and Sobriety sober celebrations sober life sober lifestyle Apr 17, 2023


I am a COUNTRY girl. 

Born in small town Wisconsin. 

My first drink was a cheap beer. 

Busch Lite. 


In my coming of age, I partied and chased boys in barns and fields.

I rode around in pickup trucks.

I love country music. I love to sing about getting day drunk...

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Drunk Easter alcohol free holidays easter holidays sober celebrations sober holidays Apr 10, 2023

The details are very foggy, but I have a drunken Easter story. 


For the life of me, I can’t think about why I would have been without plans or my family on Easter, but one year it happened. Maybe I chose it. I have no idea. I really can’t remember. My whole life at that...

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5 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid When Cutting Back on Alcohol early sobriety sobercurious Apr 06, 2023

I am an expert in quitting drinking. I’ve done it a million times. That is why I am the perfect person to tell you about the mistakes I’ve made in trying to get sober. 


Not only that, I am also a Certified Professional Life and Recovery Coach, in addition to having an...

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St. Patrick's Day Is Not My Favorite Holiday alcohol free holidays holiday st. paddy's day st. patrick Mar 17, 2023

I thought St. Patrick’s Day was my favorite holiday. 

I look good in green. I like corned beef. I was raised on beer.

One look at me and you would swear I was a jolly Irish soul. 


I am 5 years sober. 


After decades of drunken shenanigans involving day drinking...

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How Could I Have a Drinking Problem? I'm perfect. perfectionism Mar 10, 2023

From a young age, I had a taste for alcohol. I desired the delightful woozy, boozy release wash over me.

For as long as I can remember, I also had a thirst for perfection.


The more I learn about myself, the more I see how my behaviors came to be. 


Like everyone, most of my ways...

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5 Years Sober - Here's What I Wish I Knew on Day 1 alcoholfree sober af sober lessons sober milestones Feb 22, 2023

I just turned 5 years sober. For most of my life this accomplishment seemed so out of reach for me. What would I tell myself back before my last Day !?

 1. You can do it. You absolutely can. 



Put all of your energy towards that. Stop looking behind you. Keep moving...

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5 Years Sober - A New Home Inside Me 5 years sober forgiveness self compassion sober af sober milestones Feb 20, 2023


Today I woke up 5 years sober. 

It is a glorious achievement. 

It means I have reached “stable remission” from alcohol use disorder. 

Milestones are a tricky thing.

Just as a huge achievement was rounding the corner for me, a crippling wave of shame crept in even...

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Preparing For Dry January dry january holidays Dec 31, 2022

What is Dry January? 

Dry January started in 2013 in the UK with Alastair Campbell, a columnist and political strategist, talking about his past drinking, and columnist Peter Oborne trying out the month off booze. 

In 2014 the University of Sussex started research on the...

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What Special Olympics Taught Me about My Perfectionism perfectionism self development self discovery Dec 14, 2022

I attended a Special Olympics basketball game the other night and I learned so much.


My experience with basketball is limited. I played basketball on a team for one season in middle school. I didn’t understand any of it. I was terrible at it. Growing up with a single mom, we never...

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Alcohol-Free Holiday Traditions: 10 Ideas to Try sober fun sober holidays Dec 14, 2022

Why Do We Drink More During the Holidays?

The holiday season tends to be one of the most alcohol-centric times of year. Firstly, alcohol is generally more accessible. There are extra work events, holiday parties, family reunions, and other gatherings that typically include alcohol. Some people...

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Gift Guide for the Sober Gal Nov 25, 2022

Welcome to the Ditched the Drink Gift Guide!

I am so excited to share some fun ideas for the sober babes in your life. Yourself included. 

* Many things made by Sober Babes themselves. I added the price, but it could have changed, and most likely in your favor.


Stocking Stuffers


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6 Tips for Flying Sober Nov 15, 2022

Sober milestones can come in many forms. A huge accomplishment for many of my clients’ is flying sober. I mean, literally, flying. Like in an airplane. It takes some resolve to successfully accomplish this feat, as the airport is full of opportunities to drink. 


There are actual...

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My First Sober Thanksgiving holidays Nov 15, 2022

My first Thanksgiving was really rough. 


It was my first big holiday traveling and visiting family.

I had lots of sobriety under my belt. Almost 9 months. Still I felt wobbly, shaky, and fragile. 


I drank a lot with my family. I wasn’t sure what to do without it....

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Do I Have an Alcohol Problem? gray area drinking sober challenge sober curious Nov 01, 2022

I wake up in a panic

No desire to start my day

Thinking of last night

Oh God, what did I say?


Do I have an alcohol problem?


I chug a glass of water

On the table beside my bed

I recognize hangover symptoms

Starting with

My pounding head.


Do I have an alcohol problem?



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My Last Drunken Halloween sober holidays Nov 01, 2022

On my last Halloween as a drinker, I went to a costume party dressed as Janis Joplin. But of course. At this point, I had been exploring my relationship with alcohol for a few years. I was exploring periods of not drinking. “Sober experiments” as I called these alcohol time outs. Then...

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A Nice Little Sunday - Joy in the Ordinary Oct 24, 2022

Dark coffee alone with the windows open and the chilly autumn air breezing in.

Reflection in quiet, feeling content, at peace.

With myself.

Satisfied and full. 

Not desperate or seeking.


A last minute decision to do a hot flow yoga class on Sunday.

A new instructor. 

Never been...

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Breast Cancer, Women, and Alcohol alcohol and health healthy habits healthy lifestyle Oct 19, 2022

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. You can support and donate to a variety of options to fight against breast cancer. There are pink ribbons, lip gloss, blankets, shoes, stickers, t-shirts and more. 


The most well known good that you can purchase to fight against breast cancer...

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An Annoyed Yogi fitness sober Oct 07, 2022

I didn’t want to go to yoga yesterday. 

I love yoga. 

I really do. 


And yet, I didn’t want to go. 


I know it’s good for me. I always feel better afterwards. I pride myself on being a yogi.


I like to do it at least three times a week....

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Lessons About Sobriety from DIY Home Projects how to get sober sober af Sep 20, 2022


I’ve been embarking on some lofty home projects. 

I wallpapered a statement wall in my primary bedroom. 

I chose a bright and bold floral pattern. It was a risk. It turned out awesome.  


I am cleaning out and getting rid of old furniture. 

I put a pile...

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29 Best Books About Alcohol Recovery sober tools Sep 20, 2022

As you embark on a sobriety or moderation journey, building a toolkit to keep you motivated and inspired can help you reach your goals. Recovery-related books, AKA ‘quit lit,’ can be great for seeing how others have navigated similar experiences, gaining tips that can help you along...

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The Challenge and Magic of New - A Reboot Sep 12, 2022

The promise of a new school year has a freshness to it that rivals January. September is the real start of the new year for me. It is a freeing idea, that we can start again. We are brand new in every moment, never the same as we were in the moment before. This gives us the freedom to evolve and...

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How to Stay Sober on Vacation: 7 Tips for Success alcohol free vacation sober vacation Sep 12, 2022

As a former ‘Party Girl’ turned Certified Recovery & Life Coach and seasoned international traveler, I am excited to share my tips for how to stay alcohol-free on vacation. 

Let me start by saying, vacations are so much better when enjoyed fully present and sober. I...

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My Last Drink addiction alcohol free drinking sober experiement Jun 29, 2022

Last week, I had dinner with some of the sober babes that I met on a sober hiking retreat in Sedona, a month ago.  Most of us live in Chicagoland. From the larger group, four of us were available to get together. We picked the most central spot for dinner. Lucky for me, that landed...

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