(TMI TBH -Too Much Information Too Be Honest)

Welcome! Whether youโ€™re taking your first steps toward sobriety, celebrating years of alcohol-free living, or simply seeking inspiration and support, you'll find genuine stories, practical advice, and compassionate support to help you on your journey.

Beer...for the Health of It Jan 28, 2020

Getting onboard with an alcohol free lifestyle is getting easier thanks to the increase of low or no alcohol beverages on the market these days. Nielsen CGA reports that the demand for these drinks will increase in 2020 and beyond. The younger generations are  leading the change with a...

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The Nutritional Value of Alcohol Is None alcohol and diet alcohol and health alcohol and weight loss Jan 17, 2020

I just saw a post by a nutritionist saying you can drink alcohol and still lose weight. 

Her profile says she’s a wellness coach and nutritionist whose main goal is to help people feel good about themselves. 

She’s proof because she reports that she has been doing this all...

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Alcohol and Work Don't Mix Jan 15, 2020

The top HR trends reported for 2020 are employee engagement, eliminating sexual harassment, and nurturing employee mental health and work life balance, according to Smart Brief.  

The best way to be on top of these HR trends is to remove alcohol from your workplace.

Many companies use...

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Should Dry January be One of Your Corporate Wellness Challenges? alcohol free corporate wellness dry january Jan 07, 2020

Alcohol is a ubiquitous part of our culture. Socializing with colleagues after work, the office holiday party, unwinding after an exhausting day—all of these occasions often revolve around drinking and can be awkward for people who don’t partake.

Until recently, that is.



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Enjoying My Own Company alone boredom sobriety solitude Jan 06, 2020

In sobriety I have found new hobbies and interests.

Drinking is no longer my only form of entertainment.

The automatic cure for my perpetual boredom when I was drinking, was obviously...drinking. 

I am no longer entertained by sitting on the couch for hours sipping a substance into oblivion....

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Preparing for Dry January Dec 27, 2019

What is Dry January? 

Dry January started in 2013 in the UK with Alastair Campbell, a columnist and political strategist, talking about his past drinking, and columnist Peter Oborne trying out the month off booze. 

In 2014 the University of Sussex started research on the benefits of Dry...

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2019 My Best Year Yet! Dec 17, 2019

2019 was my best year yet. 

At the beginning of 2018, I made a decision to stop drinking alcohol for good. This was the best decision of my life. I spent 2018 learning how to do everything over again, without alcohol. 

My growth was incredible. I learned so much about myself. I spent...

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Dear Zahra, Lessons From Africa Dec 17, 2019

My heart is breaking this morning, Zahra because I miss you so much. 

I am on my couch crying with the feeling of missing. 

Wishing I could be with you. 

Really wishing you were here with me. 

I want to give you a warm bath, clean pajamas, a hot meal, and then rock you, sing...

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Last 30 Days Dec 12, 2019

It is the Sunday after Thanksgiving and we just returned home to the midwest from a road trip to visit family in Colorado. The good news is, us parents and 2 teenage daughters survived 16 hours in the car together. Twice in one week. In our regular life we don’t spend so much time in such...

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The Value of Sober Treats rewards sober tools sober treats Dec 06, 2019

Today was the day that I used the last drop of my luxurious $60 bottle of body wash. 

I knew this day would come, eventually. 

Not to be dramatic about it, but it was the end of an era. 

I remember when I bought it. 

I was newly sober and wanting to treat myself to something...

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Alcohol at work? Ok, Boomer. Dec 02, 2019

The Mad Men era of three martini lunches and ashtrays on every desk is outdated. Health conscious consumers are trending now. A 2018 Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) report found 49% of people in the U.S. own a wearable device to help them live longer (70%), maintain a healthy weight (63%), and pay...

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Elective Sobriety is On Trend Nov 18, 2019

Not sure if your drinking is a problem? When in doubt, test it out! 

It is healthy to remove rid the body of unhealthy substances for a period of time. 

Elimination diets have gained popularity the last few years. By avoiding certain foods for a few weeks, you can identify how they make...

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How to Survive the Holidays without Drinking Too Much Nov 11, 2019

You want to survive during the holiday season without drinking too much.

You have likely overindulged in holidays past and it has left you feeling exhausted, annoyed, and sick. This year, I encourage you to try something different. 

Have you have used drinking as a way to cope with the...

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How to Quit Drinking from Your Own Home Nov 05, 2019

You want to quit drinking from your own home. You do not want to attend any meetings in church basements. You do not want to admit yourself to rehab. You do want to drink less and you have tried and failed enough times to know you need help. 

Is it possible to quit drinking or at least...

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A Party Girls Guide to Quitting Drinking Oct 28, 2019

The best way for a party girl to quit drinking is to have fun doing it. 

Trust me when I say I am #sobernotboring.

You can check out this article  Wild and Free to see all the new, fun, adventurous things I did in my first year of sobriety. 

I have traveled to Las Vegas, Myrtle...

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How to Easily Quit Drinking Oct 22, 2019

You say you want to easily quit drinking. 

What you really want is to be able to drink as much as you want without consequence. 

You want to escape all responsibilities, without a care in the world, for a few hours every week or even every day. 

I did too.  

You want...

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Sobriety Delivered Everything Mommy Juice Promised Oct 15, 2019

Today I am  600 days sober. 

Naturally, I have some reflections as I celebrate this milestone. 

You are allowed to celebrate everything when you get sober.

You can celebrate 1 hour, 3 days, 27 days, and 2 years + 37 days + 9 minutes.

It doesn’t have to be an even number or...

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Wine is not a Sanctuary Oct 14, 2019

I recently was in West Africa on my dream trip of a lifetime. 

The first 5 days were spent working to build and celebrate progress on a new college.

I meet with stakeholders and students.

I cleaned buildings, hung signs, and rearranged desks in classrooms.

The last 2 days of the trip were...

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Leap of Faith-Dance of Africa Sep 27, 2019

The key to making my dreams come true, was ditching the drink. 

Consuming wine every night, even in moderate amounts, was keeping me small.

Drinking left me with a depressed and desperate feeling.

Recovering from drinking left me feeling anxiety and fear.

I was not living my dream life by...

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What is Recovery Coaching? Sep 23, 2019

What is Recovery Coaching? 

A Recovery Coach works with clients and provides non-clinical coaching services for private pay. 

A coach uses unique skills and understanding to work with individuals to set goals and work towards removing obstacles to live their best life.

Coaching is not...

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Dear You/Not an Alcoholic, Sep 22, 2019

Dear You “Not an Alcoholic”,

Denial is strong, so let me put this to you straight.

You don’t see, what I see. 

You don’t see that your “one too many but not too much drinking”  is at the very least dulling you. Your eyes are half shut when the bottle...

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Level Up! Your Future Self Thanks You Sep 09, 2019

To those of you newly sober, I just want you to know that NOT DRINKING gets so much easier. I was at a street festival this weekend with live music and I swear I was dancing the hardest and singing the loudest and dare I say having THE MOST fun?

Plus, I was able to buy something something cute...

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Nobody wants to quit drinking but here's $100. Sep 03, 2019

I don’t think anybody wants to get sober. 

My (Forever Sober) Day 1, was not met with enthusiasm. 

I greeted Day 1 with shame and fear. 

I was in tears on my knees in surrender. 

Something had to change. 

I couldn’t go on the way I was going. I knew I was...

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Drinking at You motherhood sober challenge thebigthaw Aug 29, 2019

I heard quitting drinking is a lot like thawing out.

Its wet and messy and there are a lot of tears. I agree with this statement.

I went through a big thaw myself when I got sober.

At first, it was so hard to not have that drink to deal with the things I had been drinking away. The things I had...

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