(TMI TBH -Too Much Information Too Be Honest)

Welcome! Whether youโ€™re taking your first steps toward sobriety, celebrating years of alcohol-free living, or simply seeking inspiration and support, you'll find genuine stories, practical advice, and compassionate support to help you on your journey.

Alcohol Does Not Empower Women empowerment feminism moms women and alcohol workingmoms May 11, 2020

Don’t you love a good female movie where the women revolt against their ordinary housewife lives and bond together to go do something adventurous? 

Me too!

Don’t you love a badass story about Mom’s who stop serving everyone else in their life and take back their right to...

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Quarantine Fatigue alcoholfree quarantine sober tips May 04, 2020

I am getting sick of being isolated and stuck at home. As time goes on, the cabin fever sets in. Not just cabin fever, but also exhaustion, from the weight of concern regarding coronavirus and the negative outcomes. Worry, anxiety, and depression are setting in for many. 

What can you do to...

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The In Between of Drinking and Sobriety May 04, 2020

It’s ok. 

It’s ok to have one foot in both world’s.

You want to quit drinking, but you don’t want to quit drinking.

You might be laughing at the quarantini memes. You feel a bit comforted by a joke about drinking. It gives you a who cares feeling, and you want that...

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Give Mom Appreciation, Not Alcohol, on Mother's Day anxiety holidays mom mother's day Apr 29, 2020

Before you start with the wine jokes for Mother’s Day. 

Please don’t. 

Wine has been sold to women as the cure for parenting stress, and it’s a lie. 

I know because I tried it. 

I wanted relief during the nightly dinner time, bath time, bedtime routine.


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Sobriety is a Lifestyle Choice alcohol free healthy lifestyle sober life Apr 21, 2020

Sobriety is a lifestyle and it’s the one I’ve always wanted. 

Rosé all day is a lifestyle too and it made me miserable. 

As a drinker, I loved any occasion to make my drinking feel normal.

I loved when other people drank with me.

I loved when other people started...

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Sobriety Prepared me for COVID- 19 Pandemic anxiety coping skills relationships Apr 19, 2020

I am surprising myself with how well I am able to handle the current global crisis of COVID-19.

I feel perfectly prepared for this however, because I have increased my resiliency by getting sober two years ago.

I was a high functioning drinker who never hit a rock bottom, and still when I decided...

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Gold Stars of Sobriety people pleasing relationships self development Apr 14, 2020


When you first get getting sober, you are in the fight of your life everyday to remain alcohol free. 

You make a thousand decisions a day, just to stay on this side of sober. 

You fight your own mind.

You are forced to learn new coping skills.

You move way out of your...

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Shelter in Place Is an Invitation to Sober Up Apr 13, 2020

This is the perfect time to sober up. 

Quarantine feels similar to the first months when I quit drinking. 

My emotions were up, down and all over the place. 

Anxiety and fear filled me. 

Some days, I was too exhausted to even get out of bed. 

My external life became very...

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How do you want to leave quarantine? anxiety depression healthy habits mental health Mar 29, 2020

How do you want to come out of this quarantine? 

I think it is helpful to keep your end goal in mind. 

You are presented with an opportunity to learn about yourself. 

You can day drink, sleep in, get lazy at your job, neglect your parenting duties. 

You can use this time as an...

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GUEST BLOG: Alcohol; The Missing Link to Well-Being alcohol corporate wellness wellbeing Mar 23, 2020

Alcohol; The Missing Link to Well-Being   

When it comes to choosing a healthy beverage, wellness programs traditionally encourage drinking plenty of water, avoiding sugary drinks and limiting alcohol. As more wellness programs take a wider approach to improving well-being, it makes...

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Work from Home corporate wellness wellbeing wellbeing at work work from home working remotely Mar 19, 2020

I have worked from home for over 10 years.

I have been between jobs.

I have worked in toxic cultures for unqualified managers.

I have owned my own business.

I have worked for large corporations and small family run businesses.

I worked for beautiful companies and wise people.

I have worked...

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Working and Drinking Remotely alcohol alcohol at work corporate wellness drinking at work helpful tips for working remotely social distancing work Mar 19, 2020

It’s no joke that we can turn to alcohol in times of stress, and for some it's a slippery slope. 

With more people working remotely there is less separation, between work and home. 

When telecommuting, there is no physical transition between work life and home life, and the lines...

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Building Resiliency During Pandemic alcohol free copingskills mentalhealth resiience sober tool kit Mar 14, 2020

“Building Resilience” is a popular term in the self help world. 

I didn’t have a full understanding of what resiliency meant until COVID-19 happened, and social distancing was put in place. 

You see, I’ve spent the past 2+ years building my resilience, by getting...

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COVID-19 and Alcohol alcohol anxiety coronavirus covid-19 fear health immune system mental health Mar 12, 2020

With the news of COVID-19 you might be tempted to stock up on alcohol along with toilet paper to survive the pandemic, potential lock down, and save your sanity. 

If you are a drinker, one positive thing you can do for your health and the health of those around you, is ditch the drink. ...

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How I Became Normal Drinker Mar 09, 2020

I wanted to be a normal drinker.
I really did.

I tried very hard to keep myself in check. 

Sometimes I could even play by the rules I set up for myself. 

You know the rules. 

No more than 3 drinks. 

One an hour, wait an hour. 

Drink one glass of water for every glass of...

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International Women's Day, There's No Power In Pinot alcohol alcohol free end the stigma gray area drinking health international women's day mommy wine culture sober curious women Mar 05, 2020

International Women's Day, March 8th, 2020, is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.

The IWD 2020 campaign theme is drawn from the notion of 'Collective Individualism.'

We are all parts of a whole.

Our individual actions, conversations,...

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Alcohol Free Podcast Recommendations with an Exciting Update alcohol free inspiration alcohol free resources podcasts sober living Mar 02, 2020

I became a student of my own problem when I ditched the drink.

I immersed myself in books, instagrammers, music, and everything alcohol free. 

These sober tools were great guides and helped me to feel part of a larger community.

I was a lurker in this community, and now I am a contributor!


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If Drinking Is Good For My Health, Why do I Feel Like Shit? alcohol and health alcohol free sober experiement Mar 02, 2020

If drinking is good for my health then why do I feel like shit after I drink? 

If drinking relaxes me, then why do I feel crippling anxiety after a night of drinking?  

Well friends, I hate to tell you, but your beloved bottle of wine is doing more harm than good.

You know this...

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First Vacation After Quitting Drinking alcohol free vacation first sober vacation sober travel spring break sober travel alcohol free Feb 24, 2020

I am celebrating 2 year sober. 

Looking back, I'd like to tell my fragile newly sober self the lessons I've learned. 

I hope it comforts you to know that ditching the drink is really uncomfortable. 

That doesn't mean you are doing it wrong. 

You won't always feels the...

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My First Night Out, After Quitting Drinking alcohol free going out how to go out alcohol free how to go out without drinking sober challenge sober curious Feb 19, 2020

I am 2 years away from my last drink.

Looking back, I’d love to tell myself then, what I know now. 

The biggest lesson would be, that I wouldn't always feel the way I felt.

Getting sober was a process.

I had to go through each phase, before I reached the next.

Just because it didn't...

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Reflections on Two Years Alcohol Free 2 years sober alcohol free dream big entrepreneur Feb 17, 2020

On February 20, 2020 I am celebrating 2 years of sobriety.

Two years ago, I was just existing, robotically going through the motions of life.

Today I really living out my dreams and I look forward to nearly everything. 

My first year getting sober was absolutely epic.

I relearned how to do...

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5 Ways to Celebrate Love in Sobriety drinks holiday love self love sober sobriety valentinesday Feb 14, 2020

One of the best outcomes of sobriety is going from a dull existence to a vivid electric life. When you stop dulling your senses and escaping your feelings,  you get in touch with your own intuition and you start to trust yourself. Your confidence grows and that is the ultimate glow up. This...

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Alcohol, Women, and Heart Health alcohol health healthy living heart disease heart health wellness womens health Feb 07, 2020

The first Friday of February has been designated by the awareness campaign in the US, as National Wear Red Day to support women’s heart health. 

If you drink red wine, like I did, you love the research studies that claim drinking red wine is good for the heart. I liked to spread the...

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Sober Is Sexy Feb 03, 2020

There should be no question that #soberissexy after the 2020 Super Bowl. It started out with the beautiful Demi Lovato singing the national anthem. It's no secret that Demi has struggled with addiction. Demi has been transparent about her journey. She is not alone, as more than 1 in 7 people over...

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