Elective Sobriety is On Trend

Uncategorized Nov 18, 2019

Not sure if your drinking is a problem? When in doubt, test it out! 

It is healthy to remove rid the body of unhealthy substances for a period of time. 

Elimination diets have gained popularity the last few years. By avoiding certain foods for a few weeks, you can identify how they make you feel when you reintroduce them. Elimination diets are generally suggested for everyone and not just people with known allergens or food sensitivities. 

Benefits of elimination diets will help you to notice everything happening in your mind and body. Your 3pm sluggishness or mid morning brain fog may have become a new norm for you. The elimination diet will bring issues like this to your attention. 

There was a recent article published regarding a dopamine fast. Silicon Valley has started a trend by taking a break from dopamine hits (rewards). For example, turning off social media for the weekend and focusing on the process of an activity (such as walking or meditation) instead...

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How to Survive the Holidays without Drinking Too Much

Uncategorized Nov 11, 2019

You want to survive during the holiday season without drinking too much.

You have likely overindulged in holidays past and it has left you feeling exhausted, annoyed, and sick. This year, I encourage you to try something different. 

Have you have used drinking as a way to cope with the emotional triggers of stress and families?  There are different options to try this year.

If you start practicing new habits as the holidays approach, you will be strong in your routines, when faced with the added stress of holiday time. 

Start by creating a tool kit of coping strategies. I have thousands of ideas saved here for inspiration.

One thing that helps me keep my sanity is taking time for myself. Even if we are staying with family over the holidays, I make it a point to get up early for coffee alone, exit for a long walk around the block, or ask to peel potatoes in the kitchen with my headphones on while the others play a game in the living room. Taking some time for myself...

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How to Quit Drinking from Your Own Home

Uncategorized Nov 05, 2019

You want to quit drinking from your own home. You do not want to attend any meetings in church basements. You do not want to admit yourself to rehab. You do want to drink less and you have tried and failed enough times to know you need help. 

Is it possible to quit drinking or at least moderate it better from your own home? 

Yes it is. 

Here’s how you do it. 

First you make the decision that you want to take a break from drinking for a specific amount of time. I would suggest 30 days, at a minimum, to receive the health benefits of better sleep, lower cholesterol, lose weight, and decrease liver fat, while increasing concentration and work performance.

You can read more about the positive health benefits discovered this study by Healthline.com  

Health Results after 30 Days Alcohol Free

Once you set your goal of 30 days Alcohol Free, you need to write it down. You don’t have to believe me when I say this. You can believe neuroscience...

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A Party Girls Guide to Quitting Drinking

Uncategorized Oct 28, 2019

The best way for a party girl to quit drinking is to have fun doing it. 

Trust me when I say I am #sobernotboring.

You can check out this article  Wild and Free to see all the new, fun, adventurous things I did in my first year of sobriety. 

I have traveled to Las Vegas, Myrtle Beach, Marco Island, Treasure Island, Riviera Maya, and Africa. All completely sober. I had the time of my life. 

I have been to countless sporting events, music concerts, and parties all while choosing to be alcohol free.

Since I ditched the drink, I have I been able to dance freely, laugh wholeheartedly, and learn how to take pleasure in myself and my surroundings. These were skills I had to learn after I got rid of alcohol.  

You can too. 

The first step to remaining a party girl, while quitting drinking, is to define what is fun for you.

If you are like me, fun is defined as being surrounded by fun, funny people who like to laugh and have a good time. This usually...

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How to Easily Quit Drinking

Uncategorized Oct 22, 2019

You say you want to easily quit drinking. 

What you really want is to be able to drink as much as you want without consequence. 

You want to escape all responsibilities, without a care in the world, for a few hours every week or even every day. 

I did too.  

You want something to help you get out of the intense and constant feelings of anxiety, unworthiness and self criticism. 

You do not want to feel the pain of grieving the loss of loved ones and unfulfilled dreams. 

You do not want to not question your career, your marriage or your parenting.

You want a cure for boredom. 

You are seeking more connection and less conflict with your spiritual self. 

I drank wine every night as a magical elixir of freedom, zen and happiness.

The problem was that my disconnect from self, had me waking up with more panic, more self hatred, more pain, and a crippling hangover. 

I did not want to jeopardize my career, my health, and my...

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Sobriety Delivered Everything Mommy Juice Promised

Uncategorized Oct 15, 2019

Today I am  600 days sober. 

Naturally, I have some reflections as I celebrate this milestone. 

You are allowed to celebrate everything when you get sober.

You can celebrate 1 hour, 3 days, 27 days, and 2 years + 37 days + 9 minutes.

It doesn’t have to be an even number or a big milestone or anything. 

Celebrate your success every single step of the way!

You are accomplishing everything by staying sober every second. 

I wrote a blog of thoughts on my 500 days milestone, 1 ½ years, and here I am again at 600 days.

Being sober and adding days still feels like a big deal to me. I hope it always does. 

There is a quote that says:

“Sobriety gave me everything alcohol promised.”

Its so true. 

I was thinking about this quote in the shower the morning I woke up 600 Days Sober. 

I am a long way (600 days to be exact) from feeling hungover as I take my shower, but I do remember the agony of waking up and waiting to see how...

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Wine is not a Sanctuary

Uncategorized Oct 14, 2019

I recently was in West Africa on my dream trip of a lifetime. 

The first 5 days were spent working to build and celebrate progress on a new college.

I meet with stakeholders and students.

I cleaned buildings, hung signs, and rearranged desks in classrooms.

The last 2 days of the trip were vacation.

One night was spent at an ecolodge in the jungle

The other night was spent at a 5 star oceanfront hotel. 

Our hotel on the first leg of the trip had inconsistent meals, housekeeping, plumbing, and electricity. 

It was a welcome reprieve on day 6, to leave our shabby digs, for a night in the beautiful jungle. 

We reserved the entire Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary for our group.

We spent the night in individual treehouses.

The intent was to provide us with a much needed, well earned retreat after our work on the college.

The definition of sanctuary is a place of safety and refuge, a natural place, and a holy place.

Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary provided all of...

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Leap of Faith-Dance of Africa

Uncategorized Sep 27, 2019

The key to making my dreams come true, was ditching the drink. 

Consuming wine every night, even in moderate amounts, was keeping me small.

Drinking left me with a depressed and desperate feeling.

Recovering from drinking left me feeling anxiety and fear.

I was not living my dream life by any stretch of the imagination. 

I was caught in a loop of feeling bad about drinking and then drinking to stop feeling bad. 

Wine temporarily took the edge off,  but in the long term, drinking left me feeling ashamed, fatigued, and consumed. 

My tolerance and dependence on wine snuck up on me and took me by surprise. 

Once my drinking became too big of an issue to ignore, I made the decision to remove alcohol from my life. This was painful at first, as any change is. It wasn’t a straight line to sobriety. My husband warned me, our whole life would change. He was right. 

My whole life has changed in the past 600 days. Some of it has been incredibly...

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What is Recovery Coaching?

Uncategorized Sep 23, 2019

What is Recovery Coaching? 

A Recovery Coach works with clients and provides non-clinical coaching services for private pay. 

A coach uses unique skills and understanding to work with individuals to set goals and work towards removing obstacles to live their best life.

Coaching is not therapy, and coaches do not assess people. Coaching is strengths-based and action oriented with a focus on the present and the future. 

The relationship between coach and client is collaborative, with coaches acting in a guiding, not directing role. Coaches can provide reality checks and serve as a change agent to assist you in identifying and achieving the goals that you have chosen for yourself.

Recovery coaches do not offer primary treatment for addiction, meaning I do not diagnose, and I am not associated with any particular method or means of recovery. I believe in many pathways and patchworks, which are as unique as the individuals seeking. 

Recovery coaches support any...

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Dear You/Not an Alcoholic,

Uncategorized Sep 22, 2019

Dear You “Not an Alcoholic”,

Denial is strong, so let me put this to you straight.

You don’t see, what I see. 

You don’t see that your “one too many but not too much drinking”  is at the very least dulling you. Your eyes are half shut when the bottle is gone. Your mind is somewhere else. Your spirit is missing. Your body is slumped.  

You are missing it. 

You are missing out. 

On this thing called life. 

I know because I was missing it too. 

Yes you were technically sitting there, but you are missing it. People are talking around you and about you and you don’t know.  

You missed the way your Little One was singing in the shower and you were laying in bed on the other side of the door but you didn’t hear it, because your head was spinning.

She was singing “Why do you build me up? Buttercup baby just to let me down.” and you didn’t hear it because you were preoccupied...

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