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Are you an ambitious, high achieving, people pleasing, perfectionist, who is always serving others?

Have you felt the only ME time you get to enjoy is your glass (bottles?) of wine at the end of the night?

Do you wake up in the morning wishing you drank less, wondering what is wrong with you?

Are you afraid to address the big life’s topics, and instead just sip (or guzzle) your alcohol to tolerate the life you have created for yourself?

Are you finding yourself reaching for wine more often than you used to?

Do you secretly wonder if you were made for more, but unsure how to find it? 

Maybe you’ve tried meditation, started a juice cleanse, or even committed to an alcohol free challenge, only to quit and give up halfway through...

...breaking yet another promise to yourself and adding to your list of failures, guilt, and not good enough-ness. 

It doesn’t have to be this way.

You can create a life in alignment with your highest values. 

There is a way to prioritize your own wellbeing...that also increases your ability to serve the ones you love.

Imagine if you could wake up with energy and enthusiasm each day, build your inner resilience with healthy coping tools instead of defaulting to drink that starts to run your life. Tune into your calling instead of ignoring your voice and being distracted with the thinking about drinking noise in your head. 


Becoming 1x1 Coaching

Accept and love the person you already are, while creating the meaningful life that you were made for.  



Personalized Support

The Boutique Intensive Becoming Coaching Package is only for people willing to invest in elevating their life. It includes 12 Weeks of 1x1 Coaching and unlimited text and email support. I wouldn't stay sober if I wasn't having any fun. Let me show you how.

Align With Your Highest Self

Together, we'll work to uncover the source of your pain and focus on creating a new life that your dreams are made of. I will hold your hand every step of the way. Step out into the light and let yourself shine bright. 

Insider Membership

You'll enjoy 90 days of our Insider Membership, which offers community support, in a mobile app group coaching and MasterClasses, sober challenges, and giveaways so you'll never have to go it alone.

Schedule Your Complimentary Call Today

"Working with Heather helped me understand my relationship with alcohol more deeply than I have before, which made big changes possible.I feel more empowered and more at peace than I have in a long time.

Heather's action-oriented and compassionate approach helped me uncover deeply important issues that I hadn't fully recognized before, and helped me take concrete steps to change my drinking behavior.

Heather has an amazing ability to remain completely nonjudgmental while providing supportive accountability - never blaming or judging, and also not letting me "off the hook."

She created the conditions I needed to take big (sometimes scary!) steps in creating a relationship with alcohol that serves me.

I'm so grateful for the opportunity to work with her." 

- Lisa



"Getting Individual Coaching with Heather has helped me make more progress than any other therapist, teacher, or online program I've ever had. It seems like a lot of money, for sure. Did I hesitate to make that kind of investment? Absolutely. Was it worth it? 100%. If I had engaged in Individual Coaching with Heather years ago, I would be thousands of dollars ahead of where I am today - and I think I would have enjoyed many more years of freedom and joy besides. This personalized approach is all about YOU - not just about your drinking. It was the first time I allowed even myself to look at myself as a person, and more than just a problem." 




One Time Payment


  • Text and email support
  • Put alcohol in the rearview mirror

  •  Focus on creating the life you were made for

  •  Address the source of your pain

  •  Pursue health and happiness

  •  Align with your highest self to do your greatest good

  •  Feel empowered, supported, and celebrated

  • 12 Weeks of Daily Personal Support

  •  90 Days of INSIDER Membership + Mobile App